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Token Staking Process

This document suggests a process for submitting a staking request through coordination between a node operator and an independent custody provider.

Create Staking Keys

  • The node operator generates the following private keys that the staked node will use to authenticate and identify itself within the Flow network:
    • Staking Key
    • Networking Key

Create a Staking Account

  • Custody provider creates a new Flow account that will hold the initial tokens to be staked and (optionally) receive future reward payments.
  • The custody provider and their client(s) are the only parties authorized to transfer tokens out of this account.

Deploy a StakingHelper Contract

  • The node operator deploys a StakingHelper contract initialized with the following parameters:
    • Staking Public Key
    • Staking Key Signature
    • Networking Public Key
    • Networking Key Signature
    • Staking Account Address
    • Rewards Account Address (can be the same as Staking Account Address)
  • The StakingHelper is an auditable contract that is only authorized to initiate a staking request to the system-level FlowStaking contract. This contract will temporarily hold the staking deposit (tokens to be staked held by custody provider) in escrow before submitting a staking request, and these funds cannot be moved out of the contract for any other purpose. The only exception to this restriction is the abort method, which returns the escrowed funds to the initial depositor.

Deposit Staking Funds

  • The custody provider transfers X tokens from the staking account to the address of the StakingHelper contract.

Send Staking Request

  • The node operator submits a transaction that calls the StakingHelper.submit method, which sends the staking public keys, signatures, rewards address and token deposit to the system-level FlowStaking contract.